Welcome Message

Change my environment, activate my potential. This tagline applies to every student who enrols at ENTRANCE COACH EDUCATE, an institution that prides itself on providing holistic education, excellent facilities and diverse opportunities.

I am pleased to welcome you to the web portal of ENTRANCE COACH EDUCATE and give you a brief insight into the key features of this wonderful institution.

ENTRANCE COACH EDUCATE was founded to offer students in the Gulf the best chance to attain their goals. It has been, indeed, extremely satisfying that in such a short span of time, not only have our students achieved pinnacles of academic excellence, but we have also been recognized by schools, students and their parents as one of the leaders in the courses that we offer.

We are delighted with the tireless dedication of our teachers which is evident not only in the excellent results, but also in the zeal and joy with which our students approach their studies and pursue their goals. The goal of each and every one of our teachers has always been to instil in our students a positive attitude towards learning.

ENTRANCE COACH EDUCATE, one of the largest online study centres in Kerala, is more than just a study centre - we are a family. Working closely with our parents, we provide our students with a holistic education that gives them the knowledge and skills they need to enter the field with enthusiasm and confidence. Our parents experience the resounding benefits of the institution's holistic programme through students' valuable outcomes, including skills of integrity, confidence and competence. Our families and staff have built successful partnerships based on trust and transparency.

On behalf of my entire team, I would like to thank you for entrusting us with your children during their most important years.